Apr 17, 2008

How to Use your Hand for your Man’s Pleasure

Most of the times we always rely on our hands to do the job, so why not use it to give our man pleasure. I have collected some techniques on how we could actually hike a man’s mojo by simply touching him. Here are some the techniques you can use.

* Dig that Chest

Nothing more excites a man than a slow circling of your hand in his fine chest, mostly with a new manicured nails. What you can do is to circle you hand tracing his pecs. Spiral your nails towards the nipples then gently pinch it using your thumb and forefinger.

* Tug the Pubic Hair

Begin by pulling some hair in his pubic using both hands gently. Between your middle and index finger give him a few tugs like grooming his hair. This move will interest him the most since the nerves of the penis runs through the groin area making him more aroused as you tug.

* Ear Stimulator

Wet your middle finger using your saliva and slowly trace the outer part of his ear lobe. While you’re there give him a gentle pinch while giving it a sexy tug. The moist in his ear will surely give him the chills and the thrill. This is caused by sensitive aural organs. The reason behind pulling the ear lobe is to trigger the nerves in his ear that could actually send some signal to the testicles making him produce the testosterone, and you know what testosterone can do. Yup, it will rev up the erotic device.

* Spine Thriller

Make him lie on his stomach and pull his legs apart. Using both hands, make a fist and zigzag your knuckles at the arc of his spine. Roll your pinkie and knuckles at the vertebrae from the below to the nape, once you reach the nape, and then slowly trace your nails going down to the spine. The use of the knuckles helps you apply pressure hitting the nerves in his spine. Remember, all the nerves of the body are attached to the nerves of the spinal column. So by doing so, you’re giving him pleasure all over his body increasing his sex drive more and more. Also, by giving a soft and hard rub gives an access to his deep and shallow nerves giving a mix sensation.

* Thigh Expert

You can do this while he is sitting down or lying on his back, what you do is to reach and then slowly walk your middle and index finger from the knees to the crotch. Tease a little and stop before reaching the private part, and then with light trace of S going back to where you started. Doing so can send an alert straight to the climax area. This technique works because there is a nerve running straight from inner thighs to the groin. The S-technique adds some element of surprise.

These some of the few tricks that I can share with you, but I can recommend is to add a little spice to the romance by taking your man in a really romantic and exotic resort. It will surely help you and your man get in to the mood.

can a married man and married woman be more than friends

I am married for last 6 years. My husband of 6 years is a nice sweet person. we both are very attached to each other and have a kid of 4 years, whom he dotes on. Of late I have started seeing him talking very often of his one particular"close friend" whom he was an excolleague but now have not met for years. they seem to be very close, however i dont feel nice asking my doting husband about her. I too find her extremely attractive and hot and have told my sweetheart for which he has a very sheepish smile almost appearing to me as if he is victorious to have her as his friend. I am now confused should i assume he is in love with her, because I have caught him (he doesnt know this yet) seeing her snaps repeatedly very often, i also dont want to be stupid in asking him if there were to be nothing beyond friendship. I am also aware she is happily married. if yes then why does my husband see her snaps regularly.